Maha-Mrityunjaya Jaap Mantra

Maha-mrityunjayaJaap Mantra has several names. This Moksha Mantra/ Lord Shiva Mantra is extremely powerful to success in life. Chanting of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is at 4.00 am which is Brahma Muhurta.  But it can be also done in Pure Environment with Honesty, faith.
Trimbakeshwar, Nashik is one of the places where Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva live together. So performing Mahamrutunjay puja vidhi Trimbakeshwar can be advantageous.  As this mantra is belonging to a very aggressive form of Lord Shiv you need to take care while doing worship of this puja or done by expert pandit in trimbakeshwar.

Chanting of Maha- Mrityunjaya Jaap Mantra at home

Chant the Maha-mrityunjaya Jaap Mantra at least 9 times before going to the office or before sleeping. It is good to pray this Maha-mrityunjaya Jaap Mantra for good health, wealth. It is required to chant this mantra by applying Bhasma /Vibhuti / Sandalwood / Kumkum on the forehead.

Why chant Maha-mrityunjaya Jaap Mantra

  •  To get good marks in exams: This Rudra mantra is beneficial for scholars and students to achieve success in their academic endeavors. By chanting this mantra students can eliminate the fear of examinations also it increases the concentration.
  •  To be successful in Professional life – This mantra helps to overcome the obstacle and achieve desired goals.
  •  To eliminate yourself from stress and fear: This mantra has the amazing power of working on a subtle mind. If you are scared from small things or if you want to relive the mind from stress then do the chanting of mantra regularly.
  •   To build a healthy relationship- Maha-mrityunjaya Mantra helps to create a strong relationship between your loved ones and in family members.
  •   To create a positive environment and health happiness -This mantra is chanted to cure a prolonged illness. You can gain positive vibes from this mantra which is useful for you to do something exciting.

Materials required for doing Mahamrityunjay Jaap Mantra?

Cow Milk, Sandalwood powder, Flowers, ghee, honey, curd, bel leaves, incense, tulsi, Aasan for sitting, white cloth, fruits, sugar, etc. this is some basic material require for Mahamrutunjay puja Trimbakeshwar. But if you are doing Mahamrutunjay Jaap Trimbakeshwar from Panditji then he will give you the detail list of required materials.
