Kalsarp Shanti Puja Trimbakeshwar

Kalsarp Shanti Puja Trimbakeshwar saves a person from evil power and strength. One gets the opportunity to serve one's parents and the elderly in the family. If worship, the snake disappears due to fear. Free from bad influences. If Sarpanch Shanti Puja was performed yesterday, health would be better and this worship brings success in life.

Peace of Kalsarp brings blessings to 9 different species of snakes. Rahu Ketu Puja along with Kaal Sarp Shanti Puja opened the doors of success. Worshiping the golden idol of the serpent is a blessing of Goddess Lakshmi. The money earned is spent for the right purpose. Fear of the unknown disappears from the mind. The mind is calm and a person begins to think in a positive way. One gets respect in society and also gets success in professional life. Family relationships become better and stronger.

Instructions for Kaal Sarp Yog Puja: Kaal Sarp Yog Puja

  1. The worship of Kaal Sarp  Yog Is completed in 1 day.

  2. People should come to the place of worship one day in advance (at P).

  3. Please bring with you new white clothes, a dhoti, a rug, and a handkerchief and a sari, a blouse, etc. for your wife. Bring (except black or green).

  4. Reservations for this ceremony must be made at least 4 days in advance by notifying us by phone or mail.

Kaal Sarp Yog is a terrifying yog that can make one's life miserable. In this yog a person lives a life of pain and misery. This yog has the ability to cancel out all the good yog of the chart if it is bothering you too much.

Kaal Sarp Yog occurs when all the planets in a person's horoscope are between Rahu and Ketu at birth. Even if a planet is outside the Rahu-Ketu axis, there is no Kaal Sarp Yog. Karma does not happen according to one's efforts and most of the time it leads to negativity and inferiority. It can make one's life miserable. The sufferer of this yog lives a life of sorrow and misery.
