Pandit Rakesh Tripathi is a famous Pandit for Kalsarp puja Trimbakeshwar. Panditji is versatile in all kinds of rituals and puja performed at Trimbakeshwar and has been doing it with proper technique for many years.
Why is Kalsarp puja performed?
Kalsarp defect is the result of wrong actions of a person in previous life. A person who has a Kalsarp defect has to face constant financial and physical problems in his life. He has had many ups and downs in his life, so he loses his confidence. It is advisable to worship Lord Shiva to reduce the effect of Kalsarp dosh.
Pandit for kalsarp puja trimbakeshwar:
After rectifying the Kalsarp defect, if he knows that Kalsarp Yog is in his horoscope, then Pandit suggests worshipping Kalsarp in Trimbakeshwar. You will need Pandits for Kalsarp Puja Trimbakeshwar.
Who will perform KalSarp Puja for you in Trimbakeshwar?
Pandit Rakesh Tripathi is a Pandit for snake worship in Trimbakeshwar. Pandit Ji has been doing it with proper technique for many years. We provide services like Hindu Dharmic Pooja, Vidhi, Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran Pooja, Kalsarp Shanti Pooja Trimbakeshwar, Kalsarpa Dosh Nivaran Vidhi etc. People from all over the world are coming to Trimbakeshwar to perform all kinds of rituals.
Contact us: +919823505543
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