Puja for Kaal Sarp Dosh

What is Kaal Sarp Dosh?

If all the planets merge into the horoscope in Rahu and Ketu, it is called Kaal Sarp Dosh. It is believed that due to some heinous crime or curse in the pre-birth of a person born, serpent yoga was formed in his horoscope yesterday.

How Kaal sarp defect is affected:

The effects of time snake doses vary from person to person. How a snake's fault can affect a person's life and destiny ultimately depends on other aspects of the horoscope as well. Using Kaal sarp in the horoscope and two or more elevated planets in the horoscope will reduce the effect of Kaal Sarp defects. At such times, the effect of yesterday's snake defects remains the same during Ketu's grief and will become more pronounced.

Consequences of Kaal sarp dosh :

  • A person lives a truly conflicted life

  • Assume adverse every time

  • Lack of wealth

  • Disappointment from children

  • Misery in married life

  • Fear of having no intention

  • Distance from relatives

  • Loneliness

  • Making risky choices

  • Psychological problems

  • Sudden loss or theft of property

  • Cheating is one of the main consequences of yesterday's snake bite

Pandit Rakesh Tripathi is a renowned Pandit who lives in Trimbakeshwar and has more than 10 years of dedicated experience. Rakesh Tripathi is an expert in all the pujas and rituals of Hinduism like Kaal Sarp Yog Puja, Tripindi Shraddha, Pitra Dosh Puja, Vastu Shanti, Navagraha Shanti, Rudra Abhishek etc. which are very effective in getting rid of your problems and creating one. Bright and successful future. People from all parts of India are coming to Trimbakeshwar for all kinds of exhibitions.

Book your puja: +919823505543

Visit us: http://www.kalsarppuja.co.in/kalsarp-dosh-nivaran.php


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